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00001 /*
00002  * Time-stamp: <00/03/05 05:11:26 pagey>
00003  *
00004  * $Format: " * $Id: errlog.h,v 2000/06/30 01:58:24 pagey Exp $"$
00005  * errlog.h 1.2 Mon, 06 Mar 2000 01:44:21 -0800 pagey
00006  *
00007  */
00008 //
00009 // FILE: errlog.h
00010 //
00011 // FUNCTION:
00012 // The linErrLog class provides some simple error logging
00013 // facilities.  It should be realtively easily extensible 
00014 // to provide more extensive services.
00015 //
00016 // USAGE:
00017 // Classes wishing to use this error reporting & debugging
00018 // framework should inherit from this class.  Six levels
00019 // of logging are provided: Fatal, Severe, Warning, 
00020 // Informational, Debug and Trace.  The logging level 
00021 // can be changed dynamically at runtime. Logging can be
00022 // enabled and disabled at runtime.  If desired, logging 
00023 // can be compiled out of the application.
00024 //
00025 // METHODS:
00026 // The SetLogLevel() method sets the error logging severity 
00027 //    level
00028 //
00029 // The GetLogLevel() method returns the currnt error 
00030 //    logging severity level.
00031 //
00032 // The Enable() method enables logging.
00033 // The Disable() method disables logging.
00034 //
00035 // The SetScope() method should be used to declare the 
00036 //    current scope.  Typically, it should be called 
00037 //    at the begining of a soubroutine, method or large
00038 //    block and should name that block.  The scope is 
00039 //    printed with the error message.
00040 //
00041 // The PrtErr() method prints a message to the log file.
00042 //    The message is prefixed with a printed severity
00043 //    level, and the current scope.  The first argument
00044 //    to this method indicates the severity level of the
00045 //    message; it is used to avoid the printing of 
00046 //    low-severity messages.  The second and further 
00047 //    arguments are identical to the arguments of the 
00048 //    printf() function.
00049 //
00050 //    This method should not be used directly; instead,
00051 //    the LOGERR macro should be used instead.
00052 //
00053 // The PrtMore() method prints a message to the log file.
00054 //    The first argument to this method indicates the 
00055 //    severity level of the message; it is used to avoid 
00056 //    the printing of low-severity messages.  The second 
00057 //    and further arguments are identical to the arguments 
00058 //    of the printf() function.
00059 //
00061 // -- Provide Internationalization framework.
00062 // -- Allow a logfile or pipe to be specified.
00063 // -- Allow printing to syslogd.
00064 // -- Provide locking mechanism to enable the use
00065 //    in a multi-porcess environment.
00066 //
00067 // HISTORY:
00068 // Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 Linas Vepstas
00069 // Released under the  conditions  of  the  GNU General 
00070 // Public License.
00072 #ifndef __LIN_ERR_LOG_H__
00073 #define __LIN_ERR_LOG_H__
00075 #include <stdio.h>
00077 class linErrLog {
00078    protected:
00079       enum severity {
00080          FATAL,
00081          SEVERE,
00082          WARN,
00083          INFO,
00084          TRACE,
00085          DEBUG
00086       };
00087    public:
00088       linErrLog (void);
00089       ~linErrLog ();
00091       void Enable (void) { enabled = 1; };
00092       void Disable (void) {enabled = 0; };
00093       void SetLogLevel (severity);
00094       severity GetLogLevel (void);
00096       void SetScope (const char * scp) { scope = scp; }
00098       void PrtErr (severity, char * fmt, ...); 
00099       void PrtMore (severity, char * fmt, ...); 
00101    protected:
00102       short enabled;        // error printeing enabled?
00103       severity loglevel;    // logging level
00104       const char * scope;   // name of scope
00105       FILE * errf;          // output file
00107 };
00111 #define LOGERR(x) PrtErr x
00112 #define LOGMORE(x) PrtMore x
00113 #define SETSCOPE(x) SetScope(x)
00114 #else
00115 #define LOGERR(x) 
00116 #define LOGMORE(x) 
00117 #define SETSCOPE(x) 
00120 #endif /* __LIN_ERR_LOG_H__ */
00122 // ================== END OF FILE =============================

Generated at Tue Aug 8 01:37:55 2000 for libgpib by doxygen1.1.4 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000