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LibGPIB::Agilent4279A Class Reference

Class documentation goes here. More...

#include <Agilent4279A.h>

Inheritance diagram for LibGPIB::Agilent4279A:

LibGPIB::GPIBEquipment LibGPIB::iostream List of all members.

Public Types

typedef MeasurementRange AutoBiasRange
enum  MeasurementParameter {
  MPAR_CP_D = 1,
  MPAR1 = 1,
  MPAR_CP_Q = 2,
  MPAR2 = 2,
  MPAR_CP_G = 3,
  MPAR3 = 3,
  MPAR_CS_D = 4,
  MPAR4 = 4,
  MPAR_CS_Q = 5,
  MPAR5 = 5,
  MPAR_CS_RS = 6,
  MPAR6 = 6
 The allowed values of measurement parameter passed to MPAR command. More...

enum  OscillatorLevel {
  OSC_20_mV = 1,
  OSC_50_mV = 2,
  OSC_100_mV = 3,
  OSC_200_mV = 4,
  OSC_500_mV = 5,
  OSC_1000_mV = 6
 The oscillator level values. More...

enum  DCBias {
  BIAS_OFF = 0,
  BIAS_ON = 1
enum  DCBiasMode {
  SPOT_BIAS = 1,
  BMOD1 = 1,
  BMOD2 = 2,
  EXT_BIAS = 3,
  BMOD3 = 3
enum  MeasurementRange {
  RANG0 = 0,
  RANGE_2pF = 1,
  RANG1 = 1,
  RANGE_8pF = 2,
  RANG2 = 2,
  RANGE_32pF = 3,
  RANG3 = 3,
  RANGE_128pF = 4,
  RANG4 = 4,
  RANGE_512pF = 5,
  RANG5 = 5,
  RANGE_1024pF = 6,
  RANG6 = 6
enum  AutoBiasPolarity {
  APOL0 = 0,
  APOL1 = 1
enum  IntegrationTime {
  ITIM1 = 1,
  ITIM2 = 2,
  ITIM3 = 3
enum  TriggerMode {
  INT_TRIG = 1,
  TRIG1 = 1,
  EXT_TRIG = 2,
  TRIG2 = 2,
  MAN_TRIG = 3,
  TRIG3 = 3
enum  CableLengthValue {
  CABL0 = 0,
  CABL1 = 1,
  CABL2 = 2
enum  OpenCompensations {
  OPEN0 = 0,
  OPEN1 = 1
enum  ShortCompensations {
  SHOR0 = 0,
  SHOR1 = 1
enum  StandardCompMode {
  C_D = 1,
  SPAR1 = 1,
  C_G = 2,
  SPAR2 = 2
enum  StdCompValid {
  STD0 = 0,
  STD1 = 1
enum  OffsetA {
  AOFF0 = 0,
  AOFF1 = 1
enum  OffsetB {
  BOFF0 = 0,
  BOFF1 = 1
enum  DisplayPage {
  MEAS_PAGE = 1,
  DPAG1 = 1,
  DPAG2 = 2,
  DPAG3 = 3
enum  MonitorDisplay {
  VMON0 = 0,
  VMON1 = 1,
  VMON2 = 2,
  VMOS3 = 3,
  VMOS4 = 4,
  VMOS5 = 5

Public Methods

Other Public Methods
void SetMeasurementParameter (enum MeasurementParameter mparam)
 This function sets the measurement parameter using the MPAR command. More...

void SetOscillatorLevel (enum OscillatorLevel mparam)
 Command to set the oscillator level default setting is OSC1, but can change the number 1-6. More...

void SetDCBias (enum DCBias mparam)
 Command turns the dc bias ON or OFF. More...

void SetDCBiasMode (enum DCBiasMode mparam)
 Command sets the dc bias mode. More...

void SetDCSpotBiasVoltage (double bias_value)
 Set the dc bias voltage in the spot bias mode The default setting is SBI = 0 (set dc bias to 0V) Can have a range from 0V to +-38V.

void CreateSweepPointTable ( vector<pair<double, enum MeasurementRange> >& bias_range_table )
 Command to create the sweep point table. More...

void SetAutoBiasPolarity (enum AutoBiasPolarity mparam)
 Turns the auto bias polarity control function On or Off default setting is APOL0, Off.

void SetAutoBiasPolarityRange (enum AutoBiasRange mparam)
 Command to set the measurement range. More...

void SetIntegrationTime (enum IntegrationTime mparam)
 Set the integration time. More...

void SetAveragingRate (int ave_rate)
 Averaging rate. More...

void SetTriggerDelayTime (double delay)
 Trigger delay time. More...

void SetStepDelayTime (double delay)
 Step delay time, default setting is SDEL=0 Value: 3 to 1000ms.

void SetCableLength (enum CableLengthValue length)
 Cable length, default settin gis CABL1 Cable length 0, 1, 2m (0-2).

void SetTriggerMode (enum TriggerMode mparam)
 Sets the trigger mode, default setting is TRIG1 Parameters: INT_TRIG, EXT_TRIG, MAN_TRIG (1-3).

void SetOpenCompensations (enum OpenCompensations mparam)
 Command makes the OPEN compensation data valid or invalid. More...

void MakeOpenMeasurment ()
 Command to make an OPEN compensation measurement.

void GetOpenMeasurementData (double& capacitance, double& conductance)
 Return the OPEN measurement data (ASCII format only). More...

void SetShortCompensations (enum ShortCompensations mparam)
 Command makes the short compensation data valid or invalid. More...

void MakeShortMeasurement ()
 Make SHORT compensation measuremnets.

void GetShortMeasurementData (double& inductance, double& resistance)
 Command to return the short measurement data (ASCII format only). More...

void SetStandardCompMode (enum StandardCompMode mparam)
 Sets the STANDARD compensation parameter, default is SPAR1 Parameter: 1 (set to C-D) , 2 (set to C-G).

void SetStandardCompRefCap (float c_value)
 Set the standard compensation rference value (C) which is stroed in nonvolatile memory. More...

void SetStandardCompRefDissFact (float d_value)
 Set the standard compensation reference value for the dissipation factor, D, which is stored in nonvolatile memory DSTD= , commands. More...

void SetStandardCompRefCond (float g_value)
 Set the standard compensation reference value (G) which is stored in nonvolatile memory GSTD=, commands. More...

void MakeStandardCompMeasurement ()
 This command makes the STANDARD compensation measurement.

void SetStdCompDataValid (enum StdCompValid mparam)
 Command makes the STANDARD compensation data valid or invalid Default setting is STD0 Control Parameter: 0 (Make std compen. More...

void GetStdCompMeasData (double& capacitance, double& dissipation_factor)
 Command returns the STANDARD compensation measurement data (ASCII format).

void GetStdCompRefData (double& capacitance, double& dissipation_factor)
 Command returns the STANDARD compensation reference data (ASCII format).

void SetCompDataNum (int value)
 Set the compensation data number Default setting is CNO=0 Value: 0 to 15 in 1 step.

void ExecuteTempComp ()
 Command minimizes measurement error entroduced by temp change.

void SetOffsetA (enum OffsetA mparam)
 This command makes the offset A data valid or invalid Default setting is AOFF0 Control Parameter: 0 (Make offset A data invalid) 1 (Make offset A data valid).

void SetOffsetB (enum OffsetB mparam)
 Command makes the offest B data valid or invalid Default setting is BOFF0 Control Parameter: 0 (Make offset B data invalid) 1 (Make offset B data valid).

void SetOffAData (float data)
 Command sets the offset A data which is stored in nonvolatile memory.

void SetOffBData (float data)
 Command sets the offset B data which is stored in nonvolatile memory.

void SetDisplayPage (enum DisplayPage page)
 Command sets the display page Default setting is DPAG1 Control Parameter: 1 (Set the display page to MEAS PAGE) 2 (Set the display page to STATUS PAGE) 3 (Set the display page to BLANK PAGE).

void SetDisplayDigits (int num_of_digits)
 Command sets the number of display digits Default setting is DDIG6 (6 digits) Control Parameter: 4 (Set 4 display digits) 5 (Set 5 display digits) 6 (Set 6 display digits).

void SetMonitorDisplay (enum MonitorDisplay display_mode)
 Command selects the monitor display on the monitor line Default setting is VMON0 (monitor display OFF) Control Parameter: 0 (Set monitor display to OFF) 1 (Set monitor display to OPEN data) 2 (Set monitor display to SHORT data) 3 (Set monitor display to STD meas data) 4 (Set monitor display to STD ref. More...

Detailed Description

Class documentation goes here.

$Author: pagey $ Manish P. Pagey
$Id: Agilent4279A.h,v 1.3 2000/08/04 07:03:16 pagey Exp $

Definition at line 25 of file Agilent4279A.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef MeasurementRange LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::AutoBiasRange

Definition at line 401 of file Agilent4279A.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::AutoBiasPolarity

Enumeration values:
AUTO_BIAS_POLARITY_OFF   Set auto bias polarity OFF.
AUTO_BIAS_POLARITY_ON   Set auto bias polarity ON.

Definition at line 185 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::CableLengthValue

Enumeration values:
LENGTH_0METER   Set the cable length to 0m.
LENGTH_1METER   Set the cable length to 1m.
LEGNTH_2METER   Set the cable length to 2m.

Definition at line 240 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::DCBias

Enumeration values:
BIAS_OFF   Turn DC bias off.
BIAS_ON   Turn DC bias on.

Definition at line 109 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::DCBiasMode

Enumeration values:
SPOT_BIAS   Set the dc bias mode to SPOT BIAS.
PROG_SWEEP_BIAS   Set the dc bias mode to PROG SWEEP BIAS.
EXT_BIAS   Set the dc bias mode to EXT BIAS.

Definition at line 121 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::DisplayPage

Enumeration values:
MEAS_PAGE   set the display page to MEAS PAGE.
STATUS_PAGE   set the display page to STATUS PAGE.
BLANK_PAGE   set the display page to BLANK PAGE.

Definition at line 337 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::IntegrationTime

Enumeration values:
INTEGRATION_TIME_SHORT   set the integration time to SHORT.
INTEGRATION_TIME_MEDIUM   set the integration time to SHORT.
INTEGRATION_TIME_LONG   set the integration time to SHORT.

Definition at line 200 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::MeasurementParameter

The allowed values of measurement parameter passed to MPAR command.

measurment parameters are Cp-D, Cp-Q, Cp-G, Cs-D, Cs-Q, Cs-Rs (1-6)

Enumeration values:
MPAR_CP_D   Sets the measurement parameter to Cp-D.
MPAR_CP_Q   Sets the measurement parameter to Cp-Q.
MPAR_CP_G   Sets the measurement parameter to Cp-G.
MPAR_CS_D   Sets the measurement parameter to Cs-D.
MPAR_CS_Q   Sets the measurement parameter to Cs-Q.
MPAR_CS_RS   Sets the measurement parameter to Cs-Rs.

Definition at line 41 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::MeasurementRange

Enumeration values:
RANGE_AUTO   set the measurement range to Auto range.
RANGE_2pF   set the measurement range to 2pF range.
RANGE_8pF   set the measurement range to 8pF range.
RANGE_32pF   set the measurement range to 32pF range.
RANGE_128pF   set the measurement range to 128pF range.
RANGE_512pF   set the measurement range to 512pF range.
RANGE_1024pF   set the measurement range to 1024pF range.

Definition at line 141 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::MonitorDisplay

Enumeration values:
MONITOR_DISPLAY_OFF   set the monitor display to OFF.
MONITOR_DISPLAY_OPEN   set the monitor display to OPEN data.
MONITOR_DISPLAY_SHORT   set the monitor display to SHORT data.
MONITOR_DISPLAY_STD_MEAS   set the monitor display to STD meas data.
MONITOR_DISPLAY_STD_REF   set the monitor display to STD ref.


MONITOR_DISPLAY_OFFSET   set the monitor display to OFFSET data.

Definition at line 357 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::OffsetA

Enumeration values:
OFFSET_A_INVALID   make offset A data invalid.
OFFSET_A_VALID   make offset A data valid.

Definition at line 309 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::OffsetB

Enumeration values:
OFFSET_B_INVALID   make offset B data invalid.
OFFSET_B_VALID   make offset B data valid.

Definition at line 323 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::OpenCompensations

Enumeration values:
OPEN_COMPENSATION_INVALID   make the open compen.

data invalid

OPEN_COMPENSATION_VALID   make the open compen.

data valid


Definition at line 254 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::OscillatorLevel

The oscillator level values.

Enumeration values:
OSC_20_mV   Set the oscillator level to 20mV.
OSC_50_mV   Set the oscillator level to 50mV.
OSC_100_mV   Set the oscillator level to 100mV.
OSC_200_mV   Set the oscillator level to 200mV.
OSC_500_mV   Set the oscillator level to 500mV.
OSC_1000_mV   Set the oscillator level to 1000mV.

Definition at line 77 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::ShortCompensations

Enumeration values:
SHORT_COMPENSATION_INVALID   make the short compen.

data invalid

SHORT_COMPENSATION_VALID   make the short compen.

data valid


Definition at line 267 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::StandardCompMode

Enumeration values:
C_D   set the parameter to C-D.
C_G   set the parameter to C-G.

Definition at line 281 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::StdCompValid

Enumeration values:
STD_COMPENSATION_INVALID   make the std compen.

data invalid

STD_COMPENSATION_VALID   make the std compen.

data vaild


Definition at line 295 of file Agilent4279A.h.

enum LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::TriggerMode

Enumeration values:
INT_TRIG   set trigger mode to INT_TRIG.
EXT_TRIG   set trigger mode to EXT_TRIG.
MAN_TRIG   set trigger mode to MAN_TRIG.

Definition at line 220 of file Agilent4279A.h.

Member Function Documentation

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::CreateSweepPointTable ( vector<pair<double,enum MeasurementRange>>& bias_range_table )

Command to create the sweep point table.

Max sweep points is 51. Default setting is BTAB=0,0 The parameters are the dc bias voltage, which is set from 0V to +- 38V and the measurement range: Auto, 2, 8, 32, 128, 512, 1024 pF (0-6)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::ExecuteTempComp ( )

Command minimizes measurement error entroduced by temp change.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::GetOpenMeasurementData ( double & capacitance,
double & conductance )

Return the OPEN measurement data (ASCII format only).

capacitance   The measured capacitance will be returned through this reference.
conductance   The measured conductance will be returned through this reference.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::GetShortMeasurementData ( double & inductance,
double & resistance )

Command to return the short measurement data (ASCII format only).

inductance   The measured value of the inductance will be returned through this reference.
resistance   The mesaured value of the resistance will be returned through this reference.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::GetStdCompMeasData ( double & capacitance,
double & dissipation_factor )

Command returns the STANDARD compensation measurement data (ASCII format).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::GetStdCompRefData ( double & capacitance,
double & dissipation_factor )

Command returns the STANDARD compensation reference data (ASCII format).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::MakeOpenMeasurment ( )

Command to make an OPEN compensation measurement.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::MakeShortMeasurement ( )

Make SHORT compensation measuremnets.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::MakeStandardCompMeasurement ( )

This command makes the STANDARD compensation measurement.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetAutoBiasPolarity ( enum AutoBiasPolarity mparam )

Turns the auto bias polarity control function On or Off default setting is APOL0, Off.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetAutoBiasPolarityRange ( enum AutoBiasRange mparam )

Command to set the measurement range.

Default setting is RANG0. AUTO, 2, 8, 32, 128, 512, 1024 (0-6 control parameter)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetAveragingRate ( int ave_rate )

Averaging rate.

Default settingis AVE=1 Value: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 128, or 256

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetCableLength ( enum CableLengthValue length )

Cable length, default settin gis CABL1 Cable length 0, 1, 2m (0-2).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetCompDataNum ( int value )

Set the compensation data number Default setting is CNO=0 Value: 0 to 15 in 1 step.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetDCBias ( enum DCBias mparam )

Command turns the dc bias ON or OFF.

The default setting is BIAS0 (dc bias OFF).


SetDCBias(OFF) ;

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetDCBiasMode ( enum DCBiasMode mparam )

Command sets the dc bias mode.

The default setting is BMOD1 (SPOT BIAS) There are 3 modes, SPOT BIAS, PROG SWEEP BIAS, EXT BIAS (1-3)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetDCSpotBiasVoltage ( double bias_value )

Set the dc bias voltage in the spot bias mode The default setting is SBI = 0 (set dc bias to 0V) Can have a range from 0V to +-38V.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetDisplayDigits ( int num_of_digits )

Command sets the number of display digits Default setting is DDIG6 (6 digits) Control Parameter: 4 (Set 4 display digits) 5 (Set 5 display digits) 6 (Set 6 display digits).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetDisplayPage ( enum DisplayPage page )

Command sets the display page Default setting is DPAG1 Control Parameter: 1 (Set the display page to MEAS PAGE) 2 (Set the display page to STATUS PAGE) 3 (Set the display page to BLANK PAGE).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetIntegrationTime ( enum IntegrationTime mparam )

Set the integration time.

Default setting is ITIM2 SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG (1-3)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetMeasurementParameter ( enum MeasurementParameter mparam )

This function sets the measurement parameter using the MPAR command.

The default value is MPAR_CP_D or MPAR1.


SetMeasurementParameter(MPAR_CP_D) ;

mparam   The measurement parameter will be set to this value.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetMonitorDisplay ( enum MonitorDisplay display_mode )

Command selects the monitor display on the monitor line Default setting is VMON0 (monitor display OFF) Control Parameter: 0 (Set monitor display to OFF) 1 (Set monitor display to OPEN data) 2 (Set monitor display to SHORT data) 3 (Set monitor display to STD meas data) 4 (Set monitor display to STD ref.

data) 5 (Set monitor display to OFFSET data)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetOffAData ( float data )

Command sets the offset A data which is stored in nonvolatile memory.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetOffBData ( float data )

Command sets the offset B data which is stored in nonvolatile memory.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetOffsetA ( enum OffsetA mparam )

This command makes the offset A data valid or invalid Default setting is AOFF0 Control Parameter: 0 (Make offset A data invalid) 1 (Make offset A data valid).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetOffsetB ( enum OffsetB mparam )

Command makes the offest B data valid or invalid Default setting is BOFF0 Control Parameter: 0 (Make offset B data invalid) 1 (Make offset B data valid).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetOpenCompensations ( enum OpenCompensations mparam )

Command makes the OPEN compensation data valid or invalid.

The default setting is OPEN0 Parameter: 0 (open compen. data invalid) , 1 (open compen. data valid)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetOscillatorLevel ( enum OscillatorLevel mparam )

Command to set the oscillator level default setting is OSC1, but can change the number 1-6.

the control parameter choices are 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000mV (1-6)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetShortCompensations ( enum ShortCompensations mparam )

Command makes the short compensation data valid or invalid.

Default setting is SHOR0 (data invalid)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetStandardCompMode ( enum StandardCompMode mparam )

Sets the STANDARD compensation parameter, default is SPAR1 Parameter: 1 (set to C-D) , 2 (set to C-G).

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetStandardCompRefCap ( float c_value )

Set the standard compensation rference value (C) which is stroed in nonvolatile memory.

Value: Youcannot use units (F) or suffixes (for example: p (pico) ), with the reference value.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetStandardCompRefCond ( float g_value )

Set the standard compensation reference value (G) which is stored in nonvolatile memory GSTD=, commands.

Value: You cannot use a unit (S) or suffixes (for example: m(milli)), with the reference value

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetStandardCompRefDissFact ( float d_value )

Set the standard compensation reference value for the dissipation factor, D, which is stored in nonvolatile memory DSTD= , commands.

Value: You cannot use a unit (S) or suffixes (for example: m(milli)), with the reference value

d_value   The reference value for the dissipation factor.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetStdCompDataValid ( enum StdCompValid mparam )

Command makes the STANDARD compensation data valid or invalid Default setting is STD0 Control Parameter: 0 (Make std compen.

data invalid) 1 (Make std compen. data valid)

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetStepDelayTime ( double delay )

Step delay time, default setting is SDEL=0 Value: 3 to 1000ms.

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetTriggerDelayTime ( double delay )

Trigger delay time.

Default setting is TDEL = 0. Value = 0 to 1000ms

void LibGPIB::Agilent4279A::SetTriggerMode ( enum TriggerMode mparam )

Sets the trigger mode, default setting is TRIG1 Parameters: INT_TRIG, EXT_TRIG, MAN_TRIG (1-3).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Tue Aug 8 01:37:55 2000 for libgpib by doxygen1.1.4 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000